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Adjusting Network Priority in Ubuntu Linux: Favoring IPv4 Over IPv6

Facing Archive Canonical Repository Issues? Here's Your IPv6 Solution!

Understanding the IPv6 Connection Hurdle

When updating the repositories, I found a recurring issue: the system's reluctance to connect through IPv6 on This not only led to extended wait times but also culminated in a frustrating connection error. Disabling IPv6 seems like the go-to remedy, but it's akin to using a sledgehammer to crack a nut

Prioritizing IPv4: The Seamless Workaround

By tweaking a few settings, it's possible to give precedence to IPv4 over IPv6, ensuring smoother updates without sacrificing the benefits of either protocol.

Step-by-Step Tutorial:

  1. Access the System Configuration:

Utilize the command:

sudo nano /etc/gai.conf
  1. Spot the Crucial Line:

Find the line:

#precedence ::ffff:0:0/96  100
  1. Activate the Line:

Uncommenting this line is the key to setting the desired precedence. Now, even if a resource supports both IPv6 and IPv4, our system will favor IPv4.

Retain Both Protocols, Enjoy Hassle-free Updates

Don't compromise on functionality. With this simple adjustment, embrace the perks of IPv6 and IPv4 without the update hassles.

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