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Adjusting Network Priority in Ubuntu Linux: Favoring IPv4 Over IPv6

Facing Archive Canonical Repository Issues? Here's Your IPv6 Solution!

Understanding the IPv6 Connection Hurdle

When updating the repositories, I found a recurring issue: the system's reluctance to connect through IPv6 on This not only led to extended wait times but also culminated in a frustrating connection error. Disabling IPv6 seems like the go-to remedy, but it's akin to using a sledgehammer to crack a nut

Prioritizing IPv4: The Seamless Workaround

By tweaking a few settings, it's possible to give precedence to IPv4 over IPv6, ensuring smoother updates without sacrificing the benefits of either protocol.

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How to disable IPv6 in Ubuntu

I've collide here with an incomprehensible situation in Ubuntu, if you turn on the bridge for KVM, if you get an IPv6 address, this IPv6 hangs fast, about once every 5-10 minutes, when the interface is restarted, everything starts to work for 5-10 minutes, then hangs again. In this case, IPv4 continues to work. Routes like IPv6 and IPv4 remain. Because of what many resources stop working, google, yandex, update the application database (apt-get update). In general, all that can work on IPv6 safely stops working when the bridge hangs. In the logs, there are no errors, where to dig is not clear. It is exactly known that this is happening on Ubuntu 15.10, at 14.04 it works like a clock.

In short, I was tired of restarting the network interface every 10 minutes, and I decided to just disable IPv6.

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